life launch formula

Feeling trapped, like a hamster on a wheel, overwhelmed by stress, or simply stalled without a clear vision of your next steps? Imagine yourself as the protagonist in your own movie – what would you want to see, do, and experience?

Welcome to LifeLaunchFormula – where you become the scriptwriter of your life's movie, free to shape your reality with your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It's about launching your life to the next level, where living is effortless, balanced, and in flow; where you achieve your goals and live your dreams. LifeLaunchFormula is your bridge to that reality.

Hey there!

I'm Coach Ingo. Once a corporate jet-setter navigating time zones and corporate responsibilities, until I hit burnout. Now, I guide people away from burnout, helping them find balance, flow, and the energy for sustainable well-being while crafting their vision and strategy for abundance.

Stress and anxiety are prevalent health risks in our modern lives. Success means little without health, well-being, and peace of mind, whether you're a corporate titan, climbing the ladder, or an entrepreneur striving to make ends meet.

Life Launch Formula draws from my 20+ years of corporate experience, personal development studies, and counseling psychology practice.

If you're ready to:

  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Prevent or heal burnout
  • Find peace of mind
  • Create the life you desire
  • Achieve mental, emotional, and financial freedom

Then, dive into my free training videos by clicking the button below.

Download the mind map and watch the next video:

Watch Next Video: Vision Quest

Download the Life Launch Mind Map and watch the video series

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Are you dreaming of global adventures, elevating your business, or simply finding inner peace? Unsure of your next steps? Save time and effort with coaching.

Having lived and worked across the globe, I've realized remarkable dreams using the principles embedded in Life Launch Formula.

life launch formula live your dream

"Believe it and you'll see it," as Dr. Wayne Dyer said. With me as your coach, you'll receive unwavering support and motivation to propel you toward your goals.

Join our Facebook group for positivity, motivation, and support.

Learn to leverage your expertise, product, or service to create value with automated systems. Build your online presence, develop a winning mindset, and overcome fears to take consistent action toward your goals. Register for my free video coaching series and book a complimentary exploration session for personalized support. I'm here for you!

Warm regards,

Your Coach Ingo

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."    Napoleon Hill

"I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind." Antoine Saint Exupéry

Watch Next Video: Vision Quest

Download the Life Launch Mind Map and watch the video series

Leave your name and email to access the mind map and the free video coaching series.


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Leave me a comment: What's your vision or goal and your greatest challenge in reaching the next level?