life launch formulaYou know that feeling of being stuck, like a hamster in a wheel, overwhelmed by stress or just "plateaued out" without a vision or idea of where you want to go next, or how to get there?

Well, if you are the avatar, the hero of your own movie - what would you like to see yourself see, do, experience?

You are free. You are the script writer of your own movie that is your life.

You decide what reality you create with your thoughts, feelings and actions.

LifeLaunchFormula is about how to launch your life to the next level where "the living is easy," balanced, and in the flow. Where you are realising your goals and living your dreams. It's about building the bridge towards that reality.

Hi there!

I'm Coach Ingo. I used to be a corporate guy, jetting around the globe, crossing 10 time zones in 3 months with supply chain management, corporate sales and training. Until.. I had a burnout. Now I help people to avoid burnout, find their balance and flow, and to create their vision, strategy and energy for abundance and sustainable well-being.

Stress and anxiety are major health risk factors as part of our complex modern life. Whether you're leading a multi million dollar real estate, production or service company, whether you're working your way up the corporate ladder, or just making ends meet as an employee or small business owner - what good is success without health, well-being and peace of mind?

Life Launch Formula is the result of my over 20 years of study, research, and personal experience in the corporate world, marketing, personal development, and in my practice as a counselling psychologist and coach.

If you want to learn to

  • manage your stress and anxiety
  • prevent or heal burnout
  • find peace of mind
  • create the life you want
  • be mentally, emotionally, physically (financially) free

then watch my three training videos for free by clicking on the button.

Download the mind map and watch the next video:

Watch Next Video: Vision Quest

Download the Life Launch Mind Map and watch the video series

Leave your name and email to access the mind map and the free video coaching series.


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You'd like to travel around the world, take your business to the next level or realize a meaningful goal or dream? Or just find peace of mind? Not sure what next? You can figure things out on your own - or save time and effort by getting coaching.

I have lived and worked in the USA, Australia, Japan, the Caribbean, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland, and I've been able to realise some amazing dreams during those journeys - by using the principles I have incorporated into the Life Launch Formula.

life launch formula live your dream"Believe it and you'll see it," as the late Dr. Wayne Dyer said. And sometimes it helps if you have someone who believes in you. As your coach I believe in you and provide unconditional positive regard and support to help motivate you to take positive action towards your goal.

It also helps to surround yourself with positive, success-minded people who are working towards their own goals. Hence there's a facebook group for creative exchange, motivation and support.

Learn how to use your expertise, your product or service as leverage for generating value with automated systems. Learn how to build your own online business, your brand. Develop a winning mindset and learn how to transcend fears and blocks to motivate yourself to consistent action towards your goal. Register to watch my free video coaching series to help you on that journey. And reach out for a free exploration session if you'd like some support. I'm here for you! 🙂

Greetings, peace and love


Coach Ingo

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."    Napoleon Hill

"I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind." Antoine Saint Exupéry

Watch Next Video: Vision Quest

Download the Life Launch Mind Map and watch the video series

Leave your name and email to access the mind map and the free video coaching series.


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Leave me a comment: What's your vision or goal and your greatest challenge in reaching the next level?